Charlottesville’s commitment to cycling was seen last May with the inaugural Bike Month Business Challenge organized by Rideshare. Fourteen local businesses participated, logging an impressive 823 miles biked and reducing an estimated 685.21 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions on the ConnectingVA app. The 2025 Challenge details are coming soon – we look forward to your participation!

We extend a special congratulations to:

  • City of Charlottesville: Winner for most bike miles traveled per participating employee (94.33 miles)
  • UVA Sustainability: Winner for most bike trips per employee (49.5 trips)
This exciting challenge not only promoted employee wellness and environmental responsibility, but it also fostered a spirit of friendly competition within the Charlottesville business community.
Looking to get involved? 
Stay tuned for the 2025 Bike Month Business Challenge, and in the meantime, keep exploring the many ways to incorporate cycling into your daily life!

Bike Month Business Challenge Winners!

Top Bike Miles Traveled (per Employee)

Top Number of Bike Trips (per Employee)

The organization with the most bike miles traveled is the City of Charlottesville with 94.33 miles traveled per participating employee!

The organization with the most bike trips taken during May is the UVA Office of Sustainability with 49.5 bike trips per employee!

Challenge Details

  • What: Celebrate National Bike Month by joining the Cville Bike Month Business Challenge!

  • When: Throughout May (1st-31st) 

  • Why: Promote employee health, reduce your environmental impact, and win recognition and cool prizes!

Spread the Word!

Check out #CvilleBikeMonth2024 events for all ages & download Business Challenge social media images and other promotional materials!

How do I get my workplace involved?

  • Sign up & get ready to roll: It just take a few details (# of staff and a point of contact) and in a few clicks, your business has signed up through the pledge.
  • We make it easy: Once your workplace is signed up, we will send you everything you need to make Bike Month a success at your workplace. 

Here are some suggestions on ways to get involved with your friends and/or co-workers during Bike Month:

  • Ride to meet up for coffee or to your favorite restaurant
  • Lead a bike ride over lunch break at work
  • Ride with the kids to school
  • Ride to commute

How does my staff take part?

  • Ride anytime: Bike commutes, errands, or any rides replacing a car with a bike count in this competition (recreational rides excluded). 
  • Everyone gets their own profile: Employees create an account on the free ConnectingVA app, which is used to log bike trips and other forms of clean commuting. Add your organization to your profile ConnectingVA to make sure your efforts count. 
  • Earn individual points: Logging bike trips (and other forms of clean commuting) on the ConnectingVA app earns individuals points that translate into discounts at a variety of businesses and chances to win gift cards and E-Bike giveaways. 
  • Earn team points: If your profile is linked to your organization, the bike trips you log will automatically earn points towards the business challenge for your organization!
  • Who will win? We will update the leaderboard on this page at the end of every week to see where your organization is in the ranks! 

Download the ConnectingVA app:

(Note: The app is used year-round to log all forms of clean commutes, so feel free to log other forms like carpooling, telework, and transit to earn even more rewards!)

Year-round, you can use ConnectingVA to:

  • Log all forms of clean trips (carpool, telework, transit, walking)
  • Keep track of your riding or clean commuting stats
  • Find others with similar commutes to carpool with
  • Record your greener trips to earn points which you can redeem for coupons, discounts, and more. You’ll even get 1,000 points just for signing up.

Office Hours

Still have questions?

Rideshare staff will hold two office hours, if you or any of your staff have any questions about the challenge, pledge, or getting set up on the ConnectingVA app, join in via Zoom and we are happy to help.

April 24th at 11 am

Meeting ID: 880 6693 1759
Passcode: 593030

May 1st at 11 am

Meeting ID: 864 7576 6393
Passcode: 991262